CEO’s comment on prejudice and business

Alex Lawrence-Berkeley

10th June 2020

It’s unrealistic to think that my comment will make a difference to a global societal protest, political shift, or voices of millions of people striving to make a difference to their own lives and the lives of their future generations.  It won’t matter to anyone other than myself, but it’s important to me that I state it – not for commercial good, or the benefit of marketing, or to raise awareness of me personally, but because it’s the right thing to do.

As a company, we provide high-end technologies to our customers and do so with the goal of providing them the best service we can. Religion, race, nationality or culture are not factors consider, we simply wish to fulfill customer needs the best we can.

To our team, as I’m sure to our community of suppliers, customers, and people interacting with us online, prejudice and bigotry are unwelcome reminders of archaic views that should never be part of any society, irrespective of location or maturity of their organisations or leadership.

We are fortunate to work in a community which is driven by science, knowledge, and intellectual adventure, one that strives for personal empowerment and educational betterment, the improvement of society, and the advancement of all through technology.  As such, we are seldom, if ever, touched by any kind of prejudice, but will not hesitate to act swiftly should our people ever be in the line of fire. Personal views or outdated politics are seldom seen.

But this position does not mean we don’t appreciate and take these matters without the gravity they require or fail to recognise that prejudices exist even if we are not exposed to them from day-to-day in our personal or professional environments.

So, I will be clear, we stand for equality, transparency, and community cohesion. And we trust you do too.  If you don’t, and you make your views known as part of who you are or what your organisation does, we won’t work with you, we will not sell goods to you, we will not welcome you.  Those views and the people that hold them can go elsewhere.

It’s disheartening that for some, this should be a change in how they do business. So, again, I will be clear: this is not a change of policy, just an overt stating or our established company culture.  This is already who we are and how we think, feel and act.

We are a young startup, a small company in rural England, but we are global, like our suppliers, customers, and team members, our board, shareholders and leadership, website visitors and social media followers.

We might not have a big voice, but we hear yours.

Alex Lawrence-Berkeley

Founder and CEO